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Psoriasis helped? Nice!

I really love attending local markets. I get to meet new people, but more so I get to connect with people and help them. Like I always say, I'm no doctor or dermatologist, nor am I a scientist like many think. I simply had a passion, read a lot and believed that nature could solve many health and skin problems. Every product has a story; either I or a friend had an issue and I experimented until the right solution was found.

Mayur Naturals was founded on the idea of trying to help others, without medication that made us worse and did little to help whatever situation we were trying to tackle. I had received feedback on my products helping with Rosacea, Eczema, Acne but Psoriasis was the only one that I had not heard about.

As I watched TV, I saw many ads on Psoriasis mediation and they seemed to have all kinds of side effects including warnings abut serious illnesses like Tuberculosis and it all sounded a bit scary to me. I knew that the Himalayan Salt Scrubs were supposed to help with it, and I had tackled my own horribly dry alligator skin (thanks, Dad!*) with it but no one had reported Psoriasis. And then recently, Kafunda stopped by:

* Yup, inherited the alligator skin from Dad, it is mostly noticeable on our legs. A while ago, I sent him a jar of the salt scrub. I never expected him to use it but just wanted to share my life's passion and what I was doing. If you've ever met my Dad, he is the very last person on this earth that will touch any kind of body care or skin care. To my immense surprise and delight, he told me recently that he had been using "very small amounts" of the salt scrub and it was helping his feet. It was one of those moments where you knew you were happy while you were falling off the chair!


Disclaimer: This article is intended to be a general resource only and is not intended to be nor does it constitute medical advice. Any recommendations are based on personal, not professional, opinion only. Individual results may vary. Please see your doctor before trying any home remedy.

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